Over the past few years we have heard stories of women who removed their breasts to avoid breast cancer. They didn’t have it. They were trying to prevent getting it. Wrong move! Their mothers had it and they were carrying the gene that means they could get it. Do you think you have a genetic baggage? Did your father have diabetes or heart disease?
Genes can be turned on or off. Through the “newish” science of epigenetics we are now aware that we can turn genes on and put them off. Your environment and your lifestyle have more to do with what your genes express than the basic templates your parents put in the pot when you were made. Whether you live long or have a short and brutal end to your existence really depends on YOU.
Your genes may have loaded the gun, but it is your lifestyle that is going to pull the trigger!
So, it is really important that you clean up your act. The food you eat, the water you drink, the clothes you wear, the bed you sleep in, the people you surround yourself with…. all play a part in the alchemy that you call LIFE.
You can help yourself along the way by increasing the portion of fresh fruits and GREEN vegetables in your diet. The WHO has been screaming about that for a few years now, but precious few people seem to be listening. You can also increase your chances of living longer and being disease free by adding a few things like resveratrol to what you take. I am sure you have heard about the French paradox of wine and heart disease? The French love a glass of red with their lunch, yet they have fewer problems with heart disease, unlike their English cousins who drink a different kind of alcohol. The magic is supposed to be in the red wine, which contains some resveratrol
Before you make a beeline for the nearest wine shop (you may need a pipe that would connect you directly to the wine vat) or supplements market please understand that the magic number as far as resveratrol is concerned is about 2000mg per day. That is the number used in the research that showed the jaw dropping results. Some people would like you to think that taking 20mg or 50mg or even 100mg might do the trick, but I don’t think so. You would need more than a month of Sundays to get a result.
Even if you don’t go down the route of looking for resveratrol or similar nutrients, you can make better food choices. You can choose healthier alternatives like using coconut oil rather that the vegetable oils that increase inflammation. You can run a mile when you are offered cow’s milk since you are not a calf! You are able to remove toxins from your body quite simply these days, allowing the body more room to do more important things like keeping you alive and healthy rather than looking for ways of hiding toxins away in fat cells that you will never get rid of even if you run 10 miles a day. You can find a way of living far from the smog of the city where the xeno-estrogens in the atmosphere are making women of our men!
All these and more would allow the genes you inherited avoid expressions that would inexorably head towards the fearsome diseases that surround us today. That is the beauty of the future offered by epigenetics. Eating well, sleeping well in the right environment and avoiding unhelpful stress would send your body the signal to turn on the genes for healing, good health and a long life and turn off those that lead to disease and early pain racked death.