Can we stop cancers from forming?
There is some good news. Many cancers have become less deadly over the years as our ability to find them early has improved. It is regrettable that the number of people who will succumb to the disease will only increase over the decades as we go forward. Why is this so? Our environment continues to […]

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
What is it? It can be defined as the method which provides an opportunity to check biomarkers in the blood – chemicals floating around in the blood – and organise them into “easy to understand” patterns, which highlight relationships it would otherwise have been impossible to make. It gives the practitioner a view of the […]
Lifestyle Physicians
The blood, driven by the cardiovascular system, is the central coordinating tissue in the body. It is the one thing that touches every single one of the body’s 30 trillion or so cells. It delivers nutrients to them and removes their waste. Extracts of the blood become extracellular/tissue fluid that bathes the cells, where free […]

Breast Cancer
WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT BREAST CANCER?. Whether you are a man or a woman, you need to become AWARE of the havoc the disease is still wreaking 43 odd years after President Nixon declared war on cancer. Otherwise, your options will become VERY LIMITED and VERY ONE WAY – painful illness and inevitable […]

WE ARE IN TROUBLE! Disease seems to have hitched a ride on a runaway train and we are struggling to cope. From Hypertension to haemorrhoids, or diabetes to cancer we are being battered. Why is this happening? We are swimming in a pool of toxins! We are being poisoned daily; actually minute by minute! Each […]

Beating Cancer
AGAINST ALL ODDS, YOU HAVE JUST BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH CANCER. HERE ARE 3 STEPS THAT WOULD HELP YOU ON THE JOURNEY BACK TO HEALTH. A – AIM TO WIN! the first battle will be in your mind. ACCEPT the diagnosis and prepare for battle. Giving up is for wimps! The first battle is won in […]
Mental Health
GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS! Otherwise, they could kill you. Do you know that a moment of ANGER could depress your immune system for up to 6 hours? On the other side of the mirror, a moment of LAUGHTER would boost your immune system sometimes for up to 24 hours! The saying that laughter is the best […]

OXYGEN IS THE FORCE OF LIFE. Without it there will be no life. If you are deprived of oxygen you will be dead in 7 minutes! In 5 minutes, if you are not dead, you will become a vegetable as your brain would be effectively dead. Learning science in school, we were taught that oxygen […]
Over the past few years we have heard stories of women who removed their breasts to avoid breast cancer. They didn’t have it. They were trying to prevent getting it. Wrong move! Their mothers had it and they were carrying the gene that means they could get it. Do you think you have a genetic […]
Worry never solves a problem
WORRY NEVER SOLVES A PROBLEM. IT ADDS NEW ONES! One thing worry does is drive your body into an acidic zone. An acid body is a great breeding ground for a host of fearsome ailments…hypertension, diabetes, obesity….CANCER! Rather than worry, GET UP AND DO SOMETHING! No one ever found a solution sitting on their backside. […]